Sunday, September 7, 2008

September 7, 2008

My name is Matthew McIlvain. I live in Tampa, Florida. I'll be thirty years old in approximately seven weeks.

I know, I know. You out there in Blogland are wondering, "Who is Matthew McIlvain and why does he think he's so special that he would want the whole world to know the story of his life?"

The fact is, I'm no more special than you. I just hope that enough of you will see that I'm here. I've lived twenty-nine years, ten months, ten days and twenty-five minutes under the radar. I'd like to change that. I want to be that bouncing baby boy exploding out of the womb ready to take on humanity, something I've quite honestly done a lousy job of doing until now.

One thing I do promise you: I will at least make a concerted effort to make sense on this website. I will not use abbreviations, excessive lower-case words, and I don't think you need to know what my favorite sexual position is or what sort of beverages I drink. I will, however, use this page as a forum to present my poetry and other writings, things that I hope you will like. I'm very mindful of the words of one of my idols, the late, lamented, and much beloved George Carlin: "More people write poetry than read it." All the same, I hope you enjoy it...

1 comment:

JM said...

I love your mind and your soul! You amaze with the depth of who you are...but then again, we know whose you are and that explains it all. I happen to love football and the Clintons in that order...:) Yet I honor your voice, your views, your right to have them and share them. Most of all I honor WHO YOU ARE and the GIFT of YOUR FRIENDSHIP IN MY LIFE! I honor your COURAGE and your DESIRES!