Sunday, March 17, 2013

Figure Eights
To Karin

You see, I think sometimes our lives
are figure eights.

We start a little bit apart,
but then we come together.

Long enough for the imprints of our souls
to be left on each other.

And then, forces drive us apart.
Slightly at first,
but then further, and further
and further away.

Then, on a day you don’t even see coming,
we are guided closer, and closer,
and closer together.

And then we are back together.

Long enough for me to see your face again.
How much it glows, how happy it is.

Long enough for me to hug you
and tell you how I have missed you
and how much I love you.

Long enough for you to tell me
how you care for me
and how your heart aches for me.

Just long enough to appreciate and
honor each other.

And then we are split apart again.

You go this way and I go that.
Soon enough, we will connect again.

Figure eights.
We have mastered that art like no other species.

Figure eights.
That is how life is at times.

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