Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Trombonist
To Josef…and his Mother

The tall young teenage man
Stood straight and soaring
Among his peers.

Wearing a Black bowtie
And a crisp white shirt
And holding a golden Trombone.

The drumbeat began
And that tall young
Teenage man
To play that trombone.

There were two trumpeters
A tuba
And a French horn

But the trombone filled
The gym
With the warmth and grace
That could only come
From within

That tall, proud, young teenage man.

He was playing the trombone
Not just with his fingers,
And not just with his mouth,

But with his whole soul.

His smile dazzled the building,
As though a star had fallen
Upon the street outside
And he had been
The first to see it

He was no longer
Just another teenager.

He was a star.

His mother craned her neck
To meet my eyes
And said with becoming pride,

“See why I’m so proud
Of my son?”

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