Sunday, May 13, 2012

open arms

Tenatively, the baby stands on her feet.
She looks around, and wonders who is there
For her to walk to.

Just in front of her, the baby
Finally finds someone—
Her Mother.

She kneels before her proudest achievement,
Clapping her hands and opening her arms.

Baby’s tiny brain, growing every second,
Knows one thing for certain—
Love is waiting.

And so Baby smiles to Mommy
And she takes the first steps.
One foot advances toward the other,
Uncertainly at first,
Then with greater sureness.

Baby instinctively picks up the pace,
And Mommy’s heart swells with pride,
Like a great big balloon.

Baby finally makes it
Into Mommy’s tender embrace.
And her face says it all.
“I did it, Mommy! And I’d do it again.
And again, and always.”

I walked to my Mommy in the exact same way.
And so did my sister.
And now she calls herself Mommy.

And for as long as she lives,
Baby will walk, then run, then stride
Into Mommy’s open arms.

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