Monday, August 9, 2010


I'll bet anything that when you go to Bali
The flight attendant won't chew you out for
opening the overhead bins
before your plane stops.

I'm sure there's at least one McDonald's in Bali
but no one punches the cashiers
and breaks the drive-through window.

Of course there are laws and lawyers in Bali
But perhaps no one brings you your divorce papers
while your child is standing next to you.

Sure, it rains in Bali.
But nobody's scared of it
by a weatherman in a plaid jacket.

Days go by when Bali is
Preferable to anywhere else
on Earth.
It has to be.
Just has to be.

What's the news in Bali?
Same as it's always been.
Happiness and joy
and a life higher
than this.

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