Saturday, July 2, 2011

Juno in Bali

Sitting around the bonfire in Bali

Watching the tribe dance and flit

Invoking the magnificent gods.

Suddenly a peacock appears

At my feet.

Where did he come from?

He didn’t just wander here.

I turn my head

And to my right

Juno is seated

Right next to me.

My heart grows miles big

And I want to tell Juno

A million things.

But she understands them all.

I haven’t had to say a word.

And while the tribe sings and dances and drums,

Juno’s heart tells mine,

“I’m proud of you.”

Then she wraps me in her goatskin cloak

And I feel divinely protected.

The things we don’t have to say to each other

Sing louder than the voices around us.

Juno disappears.

Her love does not,

And never will.

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