Sunday, September 12, 2010


On a secluded beach

There’s a lone white seagull

Standing guard

On a sandbar.

The flock is a thousand yards away

Or a thousand miles to his

Lonely heart.

They flit and fly

And he might cry

Though I’d never know,

For I think

He’s scared to go.

I go to feed him

But he comes to me.

He seldom does that.

He’d fly and pick the bone

Out of the sky.

Even when the tide comes,

The seagull still stands guard.

The water dances about his feet

And he doesn’t budge.

It’s his space.

No one dares come close.

Except an egret.

Only an egret

Can scare a seagull

Out of his home.

I should know.

I’ve seen it.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Unfortunately, most 'zines and the like won't accept work that's been previously published (and they tend to consider posting to a blog to be published). I would have submitted this one to POETRY. :) Ever thought of trying to put together a chapbook?