Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Sometimes when I close my eyes,
I see the most idyllic place
In the world.

I see a place where there are
Deep rolling hills
And golden valleys.

I see the wheatgrass
And the lavender
Dancing in place

And you can lie on the leaves
By a dainty brook
And gape at azure skies.

The streets are lined
By birches and oaks
As large and strong as
The spirits they house.

And at the end of one of the streets,
Tucked in behind a calvert…

There’s a grey stucco house
Draped in ivy and dewdrops.
Inside, books line the shelves,
A fire crackles, and lovely music
Floats through the windows.

It is truly the most idyllic
Place in the world.

It is where I would like to live,
And be reminded that I’m alive.

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