Saturday, May 19, 2012


I cannot tell you how badly
I want to be absolutely

Cast away all my shame
And all my fear
And become pure
And beautiful.

Becoming the man
I always knew I was.

The clothes that itch
And the shoes that barely fit
No longer serve me
Any purpose.

I want to wander away
Someplace safe and loving.
Into the bosom of nature.

Here I would shed all of my
And all of my

I would be as naked as
The trees
Surrounding me.

I want to be naked.
And I want to scream.

Long, loud, and hoarse.
So I can let go of the anguish
Of the world that I have left behind.

God, just to be naked.
Free of constraints
And prying eyes.

To be whole
And unashamed
And finally, firmly

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