Tuesday, December 13, 2011


bringing all of my courage to bear
taking the deepest, sweetest breaths I can.
feeling around with my hand
for another one to hold.

there is no way
I am taking the leap

the water that I covet so much
is much too deep.

but it’s so inviting and warm,
enticing and seducing me like a woman
whose embrace I’ve always sought.

will you do the dive
make the plunge
and take the leap with me?

I’d feel better
if you did.

1 comment:

Jaeda DeWalt said...

A courageous revelation of your deepest fears, needs and desires. I hope you continue down this path and take the brave risk necessary to find, reach for and co-create what you are looking for... she is out there, patiently waiting for you to cross her path if you can find the courage to seek her out. For all you know she could be living right down the street from you! Be-do-have, my friend. Much Love XO