Tuesday, May 17, 2011

They Came Home

They came home

After being away for a year or so

Fighting in a faraway land

And keeping us safe.

They came home

After staring the devil in the face.

They lived to talk about it.

I’m sure they were so scared.

They came home

After seeing such horror

Not even an angel

Could fathom it.

But they came home.

They came home

To a mother

And father

And friends that loved them so much.

They came home

And they would never be the same.

Now the biggest hardships

Could be tossed off with a shrug.

Once you come home

After seeing such evil and such need

Everything is different.

But sooner or later

By hook or by crook

you do come home.

And they came home.

Monday, May 16, 2011


In her lair
Is where life thrives.

In her lair
Is where time ceases to be.

In her lair
Is where truth lives.

This is the lair
Of the Goddess.

This is where
Her power grows
And flourishes.

This is where
Magic happens
And spirits sing.

The fortunate few
Who enter
The lair of the Goddess

Find themselves
Forever changed.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Immaculate Love

To Sarah and Lily Belle

There may not be

A love quite like

That of a mother

For her baby.

It is an immaculate love.

Clean and pure as the

Falling snow.

Solid and strong as the

Tallest, thickest wall.

The newborn’s whole hand

Could fit in Mommy’s pinky

And it is the tie

That binds forever.

Baby’s eyes lock on Mommy’s

And the connection is deep

And permanent.

Their love will never fail

And never wither or die.

For it is absolute and real.

It is an immaculate love,

That of a mother and a baby.

Unspoiled, inalienable, and holy.

Human words quail in its face

And sadness is easily defeated

By its beauty.

The smile of a newborn babe

And the wonder of its mother.

Form a bond and a love

Like no other.