Saturday, February 26, 2011


I just happened

To think of you

Just now.

I just wanted to be

In your embrace

Just below the covers.

I just felt

The glow inside of you.

Oh, how happy it makes me.

I just closed my eyes

And saw the twinkle

In yours.

I just think

Everything is just

So much nicer

With you.

I just have to

Find you.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

God's Smile

Stopped for a light
on a quiet intersection
I rub my eyes.

And when I blink,
I see His smile.
A perfectly round,
immaculate smile.

A smile without eyes
or a face.

I blink again,
and I still see His smile.

It could only be God.

He wants me to know that
He loves me.

Exquisitely, perfectly,
and without regret.

The light turns, and I
drive on.

God has smiled upon me this day.
He didn't have to, but He did.

His smile will never leave
my soul, even during its
darkest night.

When God smiles,
all my words
are futile
to state his grace.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


pawing at the dirt.
biting my lip.
champing at the bit.

waiting for the jarring
of the bell
to open the gate.

ready to charge
like a screaming soldier
with a bayonet
from the metal

twenty others like me
know how I feel.
just as hungry.
just as desperate.

racing for a glory
that we can only
hint at.